The lighting industry is crucial in the Integration channel. Although it represents a significant growth opportunity, the current value proposition offered to integrators must still meet all market expectations and needs.
Many integrators are exploring lighting as a new category of services. However, it can be challenging to identify whether it is an area they should pursue, what expertise they need, and what the best approach is to be successful. In the words of Peter Sandford of Smarter Homes integration company in an interview at CEPro, “If integrators don’t pursue lighting, they are leaving 25% of their potential income on the table.”
Reasons for Adopting Lighting
- Profitable Source of Income: The incorporation of lighting services adds a new source of income for integrators. By offering installation, design and control of lighting systems, integrators can diversify their offers and increase their profits.
- Complete Control of the Removal Experience: Lighting is essential to create environments and experiences in interior spaces. By including lighting in their services, integrators can ensure that all systems work in harmony, giving customers complete control over their environment and improving their overall experience.
- Early Participation in Projects: By getting involved in lighting planning and design from the early stages of a project, integrators can ensure seamless integration of lighting systems with other smart components. This allows them to offer more complete and satisfactory solutions to their customers while ensuring an efficient installation process.
- Transition to Digital Control: With the growing popularity of digital control in the lighting sector, integrators have the opportunity to upgrade existing lighting systems and offer more advanced and customised solutions to their customers. By adopting digital control, integrators can simplify installation and improve the user experience, allowing them to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the lighting market.
However, despite its great potential, this adoption faces several challenges. These include the lack of clarity in education and unified messaging, as well as inconsistent or incorrect training, which can become an obstacle to the effective adoption of enlightenment. Another significant challenge is increasing collaboration with lighting designers from the early phases. This collaboration can prevent costly mistakes and ensure that projects meet client expectations. Additionally, overlooked is the growing market for adjustable lights and human-centred lighting, which is gaining popularity for its ability to improve quality of life.
The lighting industry constantly evolves and represents an exciting opportunity for integrators. KUMUX is committed to being an ally to help them overcome challenges and transition to the adoption of human-centric, digitally controlled lighting.