How circadian rhythm disruption affects work performance

Sleep disorders or shift work can disrupt our circadian rhythm. These circadian rhythm disruptions can affect our metabolic, cardiovascular, and mental health because circadian misalignment induces sleep deficiency, sympathovagal and hormonal imbalance, inflammation, impaired glucose metabolism, and dysregulated cell cycles.

Some diseases caused by the disruption of the circadian rhythm are obesity, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, gastrointestinal dysfunction, compromised immune function, cardiovascular disease, excessive sleepiness, mood, and social disorders.

Sleep disorders or shift work imply that an individual must be awake when the circadian drive for alertness is low and asleep when it is high, in opposition to the natural biological rhythm. This leads to shortened and disrupted sleep, excessive sleepiness while awake, increased errors in the workplace, greater risk of accidents and injuries, decreased ability to problem solve, weakened memory, mood fluctuations, and thus decreased motivation.

How to improve our circadian rhythm

We can start with simple steps to improve our circadian rhythm:

  • Keep your wake-up and rest time consistent. If you’re not feeling sleepy, avoid staying awake in bed for too long.
  • Your bed is not your office. Remember, your bed is your place for rest.
  • Use a better lighting system in your office and home. Use a lighting system that can adjust to spaces and lifestyles.

 Better light to improve circadian rhythm

Artificial light has an important role in the circadian rhythm, this can be a key to improving well-being in the office and during work shifts. If artificial light simulates natural light we can avoid accidents and injuries, and increase memory, concentration, and motivation.

At Kumux are working on a platform to offer lighting systems that adjust to the necessity of humans and avoid circadian rhythm disruption. We promote a better light for a better life.

Contact us and request a demo.